Pastor’s Corner – January 2023

Bill & Beth Horton

We Begin Again

New Year’s is always a time of reflection. A time to look back-and
think of those we have lost. A time to take another look at our mistakes
and learn from them. A time to consider the blessings God has showered
upon us in the last year, and think about how thankful we are-and how
thankful we should be!

And it is a time to look ahead. A time to make plans on every level.
Personally, we again ask ourselves as we look in the mirror again how
can we improve ourselves? Diet? Exercise? Quit bad habits? Rededicate
ourselves to doing something better? Being willing to be a better
Christian in the New Year than we were in the old? And as families-how
can we get along better? How can we support each other? On the job-
how can we do better? And in the church-what more can we do for the

Each year we start over again it seems, but too often with the same
results. This year, let us make sure this year is different! May we truly
want to improve and in so doing bless our lives; our families; and our

May we celebrate a new year of opportunities-and of hope. May you
and your family have a very blessed New Year!
Pastor Bill

God is Still on the Throne

God is still on the throne and He will remember His own;
Though trials may press us and burdens distress us, He will not leave us
God is still on the throne, and He never forsaketh His own
His promise is true; He will not forget you-God is still on the throne.
Happy New Year
Throughout the New Year, and each step of the way.
May Christ be your portion, your joy and your stay.
With God’s precious precepts your daily delight
To lead and encourage in paths that are right.
The Lord is My Shepherd-how precious the word!
He’’ lead me in green pastures, His promise is heard.
Beside the still waters-what comfort and rest!
What peace there is found upon Jesus’ breast.
His goodness and mercy each day may you prove,
His comforting presence, His infinite love!
With richest compassions, each morning anew,
May multiplied mercies be showered on you!
My cup runneth over, His grace so abounds.
That fullest enjoyment in Jesus is found.
The Lord is my portion, this may your soul say,
And you will be happy each step of the way.
-Lois Beckwith

How To Live at Peace With Others

Pray for them. Erase all negative thoughts about them.
Ask for forgiveness if you’ve wronged them.
Carefully evaluate your motives.
Emphasize love, rather than hate.

A Prayer for the New Year

Creator God at the start of this New Year when thought again turn to
beginnings; starting afresh; new leaves; and turning skeletons free from
cupboards be with us as we gaze into the distance of fresh mission
grounds; of hopes and dreams; opportunities for service; challenges and
Take our lack of faith and empower us through the Spirit who
breathes life into this world-whose presence is reflected in the icy chill
of Winter’s breath-as well as the comforting warmth of a summer
Walk with us into this New Year of opportunity, we pray.
-John Birch

Heart Prints

Whatever our hands touch-we leave fingerprints!
On walls, on furniture, on doorknobs, dishes and books.
There’s no escape. As we touch, we leave our identity.
Oh God, wherever I go today help me leave heart prints!
Heart prints of compassion, of understanding, of love.
Hear prints of kindness and genuine concern.
May we touch a lonely neighbor, or a runaway daughter,
Or an anxious mother, or an aged grandfather.
Lord, send me out today to leave heart prints.
And if someone should say “I felt your touch”
May they sense YOUR LOVE touching through me.
-Ruth Harms Calkin

Things to Think About

Emotional healing comes when you realize the light at the end of
the tunnel is not a train.
“Mental floss daily with God’s Word to avoid truth decay”
Broken things become blessed things if you allow Christ to do the

Meekness is not weakness, but strength under
proper discipline.

Home is where our feet may leave, but not our hearts.


Adam and Eve had the perfect marriage. He didn’t have to hear about all
the men she could have married, and she didn’t have to hear about the
way his mother cooked!

Anyone can be a sure shot if he shoots first, then draws the circle

A young boy told his dad he knew what the Bible means. The dad said
“okay, what does the Bible mean?” The boy said “Basic Information
Before Leaving Earth.”

The Methodist minister had been summoned to the bedside of a woman
who was very ill. As he came up to the door, he met the daughter. He
said “I’m glad your mother remembered me in her illness. Is your
minister out of town?” “No”, the daughter said. He’s at home, but we
thought it might be contagious and didn’t want to expose him to it.”

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