Pastor’s Corner – May 2024
As most of you know, I am recovering from stroke-like symptoms after having my focused ultrasound procedure for essential tremors. The good news is that the tremors in my right arm are totally gone. The bad news are the side effects. My balance; my walking; my speech have all been affected. And you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to type now. But I am working on it. Going to physical therapy is helping with my strength and balance. Going to occupational therapy is helping with my typing and helping my brain get coordinated with my right hand and helping so I can drive again. And going to speech therapy is helping so I can preach again.
This experience has helped me understand what others go through a little better. Especially stroke victims. Inside the words are there. Expressing them so others can understand is what is hard. Not being able to do what you used to do can be extremely frustrating. It teaches you patience and sympathy for others. And you see the reactions of others and their concern for you. I am blessed to have such a supportive and loving wife-it has been hardest on her.
God didn’t say we wouldn’t have problems and obstacles when we became a Christian. In fact, often we have more. But God did promise that we wouldn’t have to deal with it alone. With His love and great care, I will get better-and you can too. Trust Him. Believe Him. And love Him. He is there, and He wants to help. You need only to trust and believe in Him.