“The Nobody That Was A Fool” 3/5/2023 Pastor Bill Horton

More posts from: Sunday Sermons

Pastor’s Corner – August 2023

Pastor’s Corner - August 2023 Giving to the Trellis House (Hospice). Helping provide for the fair workers through waters, snacks, and Christian materials with the association. Donating for the Food Round-Up for NC Baptist Children’s Home. Helping with the Lottie Moon...

Pastor’s Corner – July 2023

Forsyth Park Caller July 2023 Pastor’s Corner As we enter the month of July, our thoughts again turn to our nation and its birthday. I have been doing a series of messages about America’s Religious Heritage, using a book called One Nation Under God by Dr David Gibbs...

Pastor’s Corner – June 2023

Forsyth Park Caller June 2023 Pastor’s Corner Father’s Day has always meant different things for me. I had several father figures in my life, and have been one for others. My folks divorced when I was in the second grade, and we moved from North Dakota to North...