Pastor’s Corner – December 2024
It’s Christmas time again! That joyous time that fills the heart with love and reminds us again of the real reason for the season-the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are currently in the advent season of Christmas- a time of waiting and anticipation. The coming of the long-awaited Messiah had been foretold for centuries-but for 400 years following the Old Testament, called the Inter-Testamental period-God had been silent. Suddenly, to the lowest of Israeli society, the shepherds, the best news possible came from above. The Messiah-the Christ-was about to be born. God’s messenger-probably Gabriel-came with the good news of great joy-and suddenly the sky was full of angels singing praises to God! The shepherds ran to Bethlehem, to see the new-born king, and went to spread the good news throughout the town. Later, when the family was in a home (not the manger), the magi from the east came to pay homage with gifts-gifts for a prophet; a priest; and a
king-which of course Jesus fulfilled. Wise men still seek Him. We who have already accepted Jesus as Savior understand the great blessings of that first Christmas Eve. For those who are still seeking-who have not yet accepted the greatest gift of God-salvation-freely given-we realize He had the birthday-but we got the gift-because God loved us so much. For those still seeking-may we be ready to help-to share His wonderful love and wish that all come to a saving knowledge of Him. This Christmas-share the love of Jesus.