Forsyth Park Caller
April 2023
Pastor’s Corner
This year, Spring has come early! It has been a much warmer than normal winter (for the most part) and this Spring has been pretty warm (for the most part!) It is a blessing to see rebirth of flowers and trees all around us-even for those of us like me who have allergies! God’s beauty is blessing us each and every day.
This is the holiest time of the year, even more than Christmas. We celebrate Easter, or what I prefer Resurrection Sunday, in April this year. This is a time when it is ok to have Easter bonnets and Easter baskets, and yes Easter eggs-even though its origins were not Christian, we think of eggs and rebirth of something new-its OK even for the little kids to believe in the Easter Bunny. But-most important of all is that we teach our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday.
This day is all about the cross of Christ and His resurrection on the 3rd Day! What does His resurrection mean for us? He died on the cross to pay our sin debt-to mark us paid in full-so we come justified through his precious blood in the eyes of our God. Because of the price He paid with His very life, one day we who believe and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord will get to see Him again in glory-a real place called Heaven!
We now, like Jesus, can overcome death-we will rise to be with Him in the air at the Rapture-and will be with Him forever more! Be glad! Be happy! Celebrate this day! Love Jesus-as much as He loves you.